What You Need To Know About Face Mapping

Do you ever wonder whether those breakouts that somehow always pop on the exact same spot on your face are due to factors other than forgetting to wash your face a couple days ago? Well, according to the concept of face mapping, different flare ups of acne in certain locations all have various causes.

“Face mapping is the ability to see the reflection of the body’s organs on each part of the face by observing the face’s complexion — such as luster, dullness, and color [and breakouts!] — as well as the tongue and face expression,” explains Chinese scholar and co-founder of the skincare line Baszicare Chapman Lee. The history of face mapping dates back several thousands of years to the days of ancient Chinese medicine. And, although the concept has evolved over time, the core ideal remains the same: where you’re breaking out is a reflection of what’s going on in your body.

But, before you start obsessing over the location of your pimples, Lee notes to let some time pass before you consult a map of any kind. “First of all, we need to make sure that any dark spots or acne aren’t caused by poor hygiene or a skin infection,” says Lee. “If the symptoms still occur after seven days of daily cleaning or treatment, then we can consider face mapping.”

As always, you should keep up with a regular skincare routine but just keep in mind that some of those breakouts can be treated from the inside out. Click through to see a breakdown of the different areas of the face and find out what your breakouts may be telling you.

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According to Lee, if you’re experiencing breakouts around the forehead area, that typically means you’re stressed out in some way. He recommends exercising more (May we suggest a little woosah-ing with yoga?),and not only going to bed earlier, but getting a better quality of rest. That means no more scrolling through Instagram on your phone right before closing your eyes. Instead, try listening to some soothing music or reading a book to help lull you to sleep.

If pimples are popping up between your eyebrows or nose area, that’s sometimes associated with an imbalance in the kidney, stomach, or spleen, adds Lee. He recommends cutting down on drinking and smoking and upping your fruit and vegetable intake — focusing on foods that are high in fiber.

The cheeks, according to Lee, are connected to an imbalance of your liver and lungs (ever wonder why your cheeks get flushed after an intense workout?). He advises to, again, cut back on those after-work happy hours and guilty pleasure cigs. Instead, spend your time in the gym and — this one might disappoint all of you who carry around Sriracha like it’s mascara — avoid spicy foods.

If your breakouts are closer to the nostril area, this might be due to an imbalance of the small intestine. In this case, Lee recommends avoiding cold drinks and only consuming those at room or ambient temps.

It’s also important to keep in mind that acne occurring on the cheeks might be caused by dirt from your cellphone or pillowcases. So, make sure to frequently wipe down your phone after use and regularly wash your linens.

Jaw Area
We seem to be noticing a trend here: and, it continues with breakouts below the temple and down to the jaw area. These flare ups are usually due to an imbalance in the large intestine or colon, which can be easily assuaged by eating your fruits and vegetables — like your mom probably advises you to do all of the time, anyway.

Pimples that occur in that dreaded lip and lower chin area are typically related to the spleen, digestive system, or kidneys. Lee advises to, you guessed it, stock up on those fruits and vegetables to help ease the digestion process. It’s also advised to get your hormone levels checked.

But, he says, if the issue is related to the kidneys, it might be best to consult a medical doctor. Moral of the story: an apple — and maybe a healthy serving of kale — a day will keep the pimples at bay.

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